With Tangem Wallet, you can safely store and profit from your crypto assets. One way you can earn money is by staking coins and tokens.
Staking generates passive income by locking a specific cryptocurrency in your wallet for a set duration, earning rewards in return.
- Open the Tangem Wallet app.
- Select the token you want to stake, such as Solana (SOL), and tap Stake.
- Review the information about staking the token, including the APR, Unbonding period, and reward schedule, and tap Stake again.
- Enter the amount you want to stake and tap Next.
- Tap the validator shown to choose from a list. Tangem ranks validators by APR and automatically recommends the most profitable validator.
- Tap Continue after choosing a validator.
- Tap Stake to proceed with the transaction.
- Enter your access code/biometric ID and tap your Tangem Wallet to sign the transaction.
- Tap Close.
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